Wednesday 21 April 2010

What is line?

Back of tournai tapestry

I love the knots and long pieces of wool left hanging in this work, you can see the wool spread from one colour to the other.
This work look quite old and fragile and you can see slits in the wool.

"Eyes tightly closed"

shows position with each square placed.

"Real men don't make Quilts"
Magic marker drawing on muslin, cottons,rayons

Really strong colourful quilt that I thougt was really eye catching.

What is line?

Final Piece

This is the back or my canvas. You can see connection of the wool. I have made it so the canvas can work both ways

Front of my canvas showing position.

Making the back of the sewing pattern just as important as the front.
The front show position and follows rules, where as the back shows connection and the wool is scatered randomly

This is the back of a piece I did. I decorated it with pen. I like how it shows connection and looks busy compaired to the neat and tidy front.

Wool is visable on the image below. I like how i can control the wool and I am going to be look at stitches and patterns.

sewn folds

A mark indicating position, connection or boundaries

Sewing on to my page. This idea came by from sewing folds in materials. I thought the wool looked really interesting.
close up of my jumper

lines in material

drawing the lines in the material

lines in material from folds

Close up of plants

People sat in a line.

A mark indication position.

Animal i was thinking about the position of animal markings and how each animals markings are different


What is line?

“A mark indicating position, connection or boundaries”

“A connected series of events, actions or developments”

“A formation of people, objects or things on besides/behind the other”

Book Fair

For the book fair we were askedto produce 20 hotdog fold books relating to my photographs and the letter "A". I decided to do "A isfor Autumn" as it my favorite seasons and i love the colours and wanted to work with them.